
Movies we Were Way Too Young To See

Happy Halloween, Ghouls and Goblins! On today's final "Spooktober" episode of Movies We Were Way Too Young To See, Malv and Mowgli discuss one of the scariest films they saw as kids, the 1984 horror classic, A Nightmare On Elm Street. Listen as they spill their guts about how much this movie traumatized their sleeping patterns, the grisly special effects and how they still hold up (Oatmeal stairs and all!), and they rate the creepiest films in the franchise! Plus, longtime listener Leche Malo joins the guys for a spooky good time! Bonus shoutout to young Arya for the wicked nursery rhyme as well! "1,2 Mowgli's coming for you..." Happy Halloween! Enjoy!



Date: Oct-31-21

Show Notes:

A Nightmare On Elm Street

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