
Movies We Were Way Too Young To See | Mrs. Doubtfire

Happy Father's Day! On todays episode of Movies We Were Way Too Young To See, Malv and Mowgli discuss one of the most iconic examples of a father with no limits on the love for his children, Mrs. Doubtfire! With an all-time performance by Robin Williams, to the infamous "R-Rated" version of this family film, listen as they recall the moments they remember the most! Special appearance by Mrs. Euphegenia Doubtfire herself! Plus, they discuss the rather impressive movie soundtrack (so many bangers!) All this and so much more! Happy Fathers Day to all the dads out there, including our dads, uncles, friends, and everybody else that helped! Thank you for providing for us when we were unable to do so ourselves, and for all the knowledge and wisdom throughout the years! Enjoy!



Date: Jun-20-21

Show Notes:

Happy Father’s Day! On todays episode we discuss Mrs. Doubtfire!

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